Vacuubrand ME 1C chemistry diaphragm membrane vacuum pump

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Vacuubrand chemistry diaphragm pump ME 1C
Vacuum filtration is one of the most common applications used for sample preparation in chemistry, microbiology, waste water control and other analytical processes. The ME 1C diaphragm pump offers a compact, high performance and easy-to-use solution which is perfect for single filtrations. This development, based on the highly successful technology of the oil-free diaphragm pump MD 1C, provides a well-proven and extraordinarily long diaphragm life time. The functional, space saving and innovative design with easily accessible, top-mounted power switch ensures convenient and quick operation for day-to-day lab work. Robust PTFE diaphragms and valves provide optimal chemical resistance. A manual vacuum regulator valve with dial gauge for adjustment of pumping speed and ultimate vacuum is available as accessory.
Performance features
• convenient, quick and simple to use due to the new top-mounted power switch
• whisper quiet and very low vibration
• requires minimal benchtop space
• maintenance-free drive system and proven long diaphragm life
• high chemical resistance